No Nuts, No Buts, No Coconuts!

The original saying maybe, “no cuts, no buts, no coconuts,” but honest to God, I bet many mother’s and father’s who have kids with life threatening food allergies could care less if a 558129_10151983640210315_933934213_nchild cuts in front of their child, unless, they cut in front with nuts!  If they do cut with nuts, be prepared to hear as a disinfectant wipe or two are being brought to you to wipe off your childs’ hands and the child with the allergy may shout, “NO NUTS, NO BUTS, NO COCONUTS!” Obviously by now you get this post is dedicated to educate people to not bring NUTS (peanuts, almonds, pistachios, peanut butter crackers, peanut butter sandwiches, cashews, macadamia nuts, pecans, walnuts, hazelnuts, any type or form of a nut) to a playground! There has been various times this year that I’ve seen peanut butter and jelly sandwiches at playgrounds and it baffles me that people would have the tenacity to do so.  Just last week my children ran into two kids and two separate playgrounds eating peanut butter crackers and a jar of peanuts.  I don’t know how many times I have seen peanut butter and jelly sandwiches this summer and I should have posted this at the beginning of summer, but I thought it would be a good reminder as school is starting, and if your school isn’t nut free why not help out in making an effort to save kids lives and make it nut free!

Here are some facts to shed light on food allergies taken primarily from FARE (Food Allergy Research  & Education

15 million Americans have food allergies                                                                        – Many of those 15 million are susceptible to anaphylaxis (pronounced an-uh-fil-LAX-is) which is a life threatening reaction. (  

– Anaphylaxis can result in death. Symptoms can include difficulty breathing or reduced blood pressure (e.g. pale, weak pulse, confusion, loss of consciousness)

 – Every 3 minutes a food allergy reaction sends some one to the emergency department– that is about 200,000 emergency department visits per year, and every 6 minutes the reaction is one of anaphylaxis. (

So be pro-active, and leave your nuts at home! If for some reason you forget and you have sanitizer or disinfectant wipes please use them.  If you see a parent come to you with a disinfectant wipe after you or your child eats a nut product, don’t be offended. They are just trying to save their kids life.

Sky High Indoor Playground

Kids Adventure Land at Sky High I’ve previously blogged about having a good time jumping at Sky High, but my family and I discovered they have a new indoor playground. The playground is great fun for kids, and a comfy place for parents to rest in their lovely soft couches. In addition, the playground is very viewable and accessible if you are wondering about your children. They even have activities for your littlest ones with books, a caterpillar to crawl through, toddler activity table, and a learning walker.  Sky High is a great place if you have a wide range of ages between children.  Older kids could jump, toddlers and younger children could play in the indoor playground or if you have elementary kids they might want to do both.  If you pay to jump it is just $2.00 extra for one hour of playground time.  If your kids don’t jump it is $8.00 for a full day during the weekdays, and on the weekends it is $8.00 for 2 hours of playtime.  The cool thing about this indoor playground is it’s the newest design and development I’ve seen. They have log rollers (plastic rollers), spinners and cool things to crawl through.  The only negative factor is the surface is not soft!  The floor where parents sit is carpeted and a bit softer then the hard concrete, but it would be nice if the playground had cushion. They also have big building blocks, fun bouncy balls, air hockey, and these cool little toddler roller coaster rides.  My oldest even thought these little roller coasters were cool.  Overall, when school is out and the rain is still about, get out and jump with no doubt at Sky High.

Kids Adventure Land at Sky High

For directions to Sky High click on maps.

Puddle Party

One of my favorite things to do in Oregon is have a puddle party.  It is simple, free, liberating fun, and absolutely fantastic.  Since all my children and I have boots (it does get expensive to buy boots as your kids get older), we go and find as many puddles in our neighborhood, or I keep my eye out for big puddles and splash in different places.  Since it is almost a year round sport here in the NW, we have splashed in the fall, summer and spring.  So be on the look out for BIG puddles, invite your friends, or just go out with your kids and play.  It is one of the best things to do in Portland!

Puddle Party

Puddle Party

Pump It Up

Pump It Up is an exciting place to play all year round, but since it has been rainy, I thought I would check out this weeks pop in play time.  In addition, my family and I have played six or more times and purchased a punch card, so we had a free playtime! If you want a discount and plan to visit 10 or more times, you too can purchase one punch card, per kid, for $60.00.  I know that can be a bit speedy so an additional way to save is to watch out for specials offered via Groupon.  Another way I’ve found savings at Pump It Up is my kids have never gotten sick after any play time! (Getting sick can cost time, money and a lot of extra parental energy!) Therefore, I love Pump It Up because kids hands get sanitized before jumping.  Another great thing about Pump It Up is they offer a Sensory Night every third Wednesday of each month for kids with special needs. They also have a Jump ‘N Lights Out available on the weekends, camps and great birthday parties. The only difficult thing about Pump it Up is if you haven’t been there, it can be confusing to locate the first time. There are actually two locations one designed for littler ones (6 and under) and then the one I’m specifically blogging about is designed for ages 12 and under.  Pump It Up Jr. is close to Oregon Gymnastic’s Academy and the non-junior location is in the Allen II Business Park.  We’ve never been to Pump It Up Jr., but have had loads of fun at the Allen location.  Even I love going down the big slide, which seems to be the big hit along with the obstacle course.  I specifically enjoy the lay out of Pump It Up off Allen, as there are two back-to-back rooms that are designed well with room to play and parents may sit on benches in each room or jump for free!  To lay out specific details of Pump It Up’s inflatable section each room consists of 3 large bounce houses.  One room has the popular big slide, a large round bouncy house, and then a good-sized basketball inflatable, with two hoops.  The other room has a smaller slide, fun obstacle course, and a regular bouncy house.  There are drinking fountains along with a vending machine outside in the lobby if your jumper needs a snack or extra hydration.  There is also a relaxing massage chair for parents, as well as an air hockey and two arcade activities for an extra charge. Overall, Pump It Up is a great place to play when your kids are bouncing off the walls and you desire to sit and see their jumping faces or join in the fun yourself.

Pump It Up

Pump It UpClick on maps for directions to the Allen location. In addition, click on Pump It Up’s website for other specific detailed directions.

Click on maps for the Jr. location. In addition, click on Pump It Up Jr.’s website for other specific detailed directions.

JJ Jump

Often when Playing in Portland you have to play inside and JJ Jump is a GREAT place to play inside.  They state they are, “Oregon’s Best and Biggest Indoor Inflatable Arena” and my kids would agree because JJ Jump’s Clackamas location currently consists of a total of 7 bouncy houses, (1/2 of which are in a dark glow-room for cosmic jumping), in addition there is a rock wall, zip line, play stations, air hockey and other fun.  My kids loved the glow-room and the zip line the best. However, I was disappointed that they didn’t have a chance to try out everything because they were satisfied and having so much FUN with the zip line and bouncy houses. I really wanted to know about the rock wall.  Regardless, if your child doesn’t get a chance to do “everything” or as many times as they would like, this is a great place to play and have a party!  In addition to parties, JJ Jump offers various open playtimes and has homeschool events and summer camps.  JJ JumpMy only precaution for this wonderful place is the zip line will give you a little scare.  It is above a concrete floor with no padding underneath.  There is ALWAYS someone right there, but it can be frightening the first time you see your little one hanging from the air.  Overall, this is a phenomenal place to play in the raining season or when it is too hot to play outside. Your kids will definitely be begging you to bring them back to JJ Jump.                    So check it out, and have fun Playing in Portland. JJ Jump

For directions click on maps to find JJ Jump.

Candy Babel

Every now and then even adults need to have that feeling of being like a kid in a candy shop!  So guess what?  Candy Babel makes that feeling possible as they offer a variety of unique candy.  They specialize in selling candy from around the world, and my new favorite candy comes from Europe which is a chocolate Carmel candy called Curly Wurly! Before diving into my Curly Wurly I enjoyed a variety of candy, such as a yummy green gummy solider, a red Scottish dog, a candy crab, pink marshmallow shake, a Danish peach fried egg gummy, a pig, cow and one of my childhood favorites soda pop gummies. Candy BabelI am a gummy lover, and they have so many!  My kids enjoyed a twisty marshmallow chain like candy, and we really had a good time.  Although Candy Babel has organic options and even gluten-free it can be difficult for people with life threatening allergies to read labels that are in different languages.  So be careful and know what is and isn’t safe for you and your child.  Overall I can’t wait to visit Candy Babel again because in the summer they offer one of the widest ranges of cotton candy flavors I’ve ever heard of.  So come be a kid in a candy shop, and have fun Playing in Portland.

For directions to Candy Babel click on maps.IMG_6841

PlayDate PDX

PlayDate PDX is the ultimate playing in Portland experience!  The first time my family and I went I was reminded of the 90’s TV show Double Dare.  The bright colors and fun obstacle play-structure brought me back to my childhood dream of being on Double Dare.  So of course I went in, and played at PlayDate PDX! One thing you might appreciate if you remember Double Dare is PlayDate PDX doesn’t have the slime or messy dares.  It just has genuine fun!  So if you are able to duck, crawl and wrestle through some obstacles, get up and have fun with your kids.  If you need to take a rest, or you came to enjoy a conversation with a friend, sit down and have some lovely Stumptown coffee or even a glass of wine or beer!  Some precautions you may want to be aware of are PlayDate PDX can get CROWDED!  Also I’ve complained and even heard other kids complain about the big triple slide hurting your back when you go down. Despite these minor precautions PlayDate PDX is a great place.  They have a great lounge with many tables, a couch, two comfortable love seats, flat screen televisions with enjoyable shows for both men and women, a wonderful menu and your kids will be worn out after good solid play.  So make time to play and play at PlayDate PDX.

PlayDate PDX

IMG_5991IMG_5987For directions to PlayDate PDX click on maps.

Inflatable Kingdom

This week we had fun at Inflatable Kingdom.  It was our first visit, and my kids had a good time.  Currently Inflatable Kingdom has 5 inflatables: 1 large obstacle course with a slide, 1 smaller obstacle course with a basket ball hoop and slide, 1 large double slide, 1 smaller wide slide, and a regular fun bouncy house.  They also have multiple Double Shot Arcade Basketball games behind the inflatables. Inflatable Kingdom One thing that impresses me about Inflatable Kingdom is they retire their inflatables when they have been heavily used. My family and I have been to other inflatable play places, in which, some inflatables need to be replaced.  I was also impressed with Inflatable Kingdom’s lounge area because as a student or working mom or dad this is a great place to set up shop and get work done while your kids play.  They even sell coffee out of a pump dispenser for $2.00.  If you pre-order your child’s open play ticket online, the cost is $3.00 less, so maybe you can budget in stopping by your favorite coffee shop or getting a drink there.  Otherwise, the open play cost is $8.00 per kid at the door.  The only thing I wish could be better at Inflatable Kingdom is more room.  The inflatables are all back-to-back touching each other and my oldest said there wasn’t enough room to run around.  My preschooler however, thought it was perfect.  Two tips my family and I would suggest is always wear socks to any bouncy house or you will have to purchase socks there. Second, my kids like wearing long sleeves and pants so rug burns won’t occur. Although rug burns might not happen when your kids play (because it may be the result from playing on inflatables which need to retire), my kids seem to think more clothing protects their skin. Overall, it is a great place to get some energy out in the winter and you can either sit and relax, or bounce and play too!

Inflatable Kingdom

Click on maps for directions to Inflatable Kingdom.

Oregon Gymnastics Academy

OGADo you want your child to grow in character, fitness and health? At Oregon Gymnastics Academy (OGA) your child is capable of gaining all those qualities along with other skills and various friendships. One great thing about OGA is you don’t have to be a member to enjoy their elite training center. OGA has an indoor play schedule open to the public for 0-6 year olds on Tuesdays and Fridays, as well as Saturdays for 0-17 year olds. OGA also hosts various events such as Parents Night Out, camps, birthday parties, fitness for those with special needs, and they even have a homeschool PE class once a week!  Of course for members they have various classes, which train both children and adults. So whether you want to play or train check out OGA.

For directions to OGA click on maps.

Rice Northwest Museum of Rocks and Minerals

Rice Northwest Museum of Rocks and Minerals is a nice outing any time of the year. If the weather is nice you may want to enjoy not only the astounding rocks and minerals inside, but also their beautiful landscape outside. At Rice Northwest Museum of Rocks and Minerals you will be surprised at how much there is to discover! There are glow in the dark rocks, jewels, petrified rocks, meteorites, a gift shop, and much more. My kids specifically liked touching the petrified dinosaur poop and seeing the crystallized gold. I liked the diamonds and the pink rocks. Truly there are rocks and minerals for everyone; I’m convinced you will be captivated more than once. Be sure to explore the whole area and not just The Northwest Mineral Gallery as the house has various rooms and nooks you will want to see. In addition, as you are leaving don’t forget to let your children grab a free rock as each kid may take one out of the outside rock pile. Overall, Rice Northwest Museum of Rocks and Minerals has been nationally recognized as the finest rocks and minerals museum in the Pacific Northwest, and one of the best in the nation. So check it out, you will learn a lot and see beautiful rocks and minerals from around the world.


For directions to Rice Northwest Museum of Rocks and Minerals click on maps.